Register for Online Services


We recommend in the first instance that patients register with the NHS App. The App has its own process for verifying your identity using your smartphone. Once registered you will have immediate access to order repeat medication.

Additional access to other parts of your medical record can then be requested via the surgery, who will be able to see that your ID has been verified by the App.

On contacting the surgery inform us your have registered with the NHS App and you would like additional access. You will be asked to confirm your full name, address and DOB as well as selected detail from your medical record; your request will then be processed. Please note this may take a few days depending on our workload/staffing levels. 

For more information on the NHS App please visit


Patient Online Access

Patients need to attend the surgery with photographic proof of identity and proof of address in order to register for online access. An application form will then need to be completed.

One completed please allow at least 7 days before returning to collect your registration details.

There are several providers for an online account (which will be listed on the registration letter). Below is the link to Patient Access, which is the online access website run by our clinical system supplier EMIS Health.

Patient Access Support Portal

We have created a 'how to' guide for patients registered with Patient Access (see below):

How to register for EMIS Patient Access.pdf

Support for Online Services

Please note that the surgery is unable to give individual support for the registration process and use of online services. Please visit the support pages of your chosen provider for assistance.

Online Services are provided by thirdparty companies; as such the practice is not able to reset your password. We are only able to reset access to an account entirely, which means beginning the process of registration for online services again.


Going online